CIQM Retreat 2016: Research Project Ideas from Brainstorming Sessions
Color Center Diamond
Project Title Participating Students, Postdocs and Faculty
Project Title Participating Students, Postdocs and Faculty
1. Grow and characterize Si and Ge color centers in diamond as new qubits.
Erin Strickland
Amber Wingfield James Griffin Gary Harris Bob Westervelt Amirhassan Shams Ansari |
2. Control depth of NV centers by delta-doping during CVD growth.
Erin Strickland
Amber WIngfield James Griffin Gary Harris Bob Westervelt Amirhassan Shams Ansari |
3. Delta dope C-13 atoms during CVD growth of diamond to act as nuclear spin memory sites.
Amber Wingfield
James Griffin Gary Harris Bob Westervelt Amirhassan Shams Ansari |
4. Grow and characterize superconducting B-doped diamond, Tc and Hc.
Hechen Ren
Delroy Green Breyonna Pinkney Maoz Ovadia Bob Westervelt Tabia Muhammad Amirhassan Shams Ansari Bertrand Halperin |
5. Stacked structures of ultrathin layers of NV diamond layers, TMD materials and graphene
Amirhassan Shams Ansari
6. Interface of graphene on diamond - theory and expt. characterization of contacts on semiconducting diamond.
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
Paul Sabila Delroy Green Breyonna Pinkney Jordan Stroman Adewale Adepoju David Bell Bob Westervelt |
7. Develop diamond supercapacitors.
Tewa Kpulun
Delroy Green Breyonna Pinkney Thomas Searles Scott Johnson |
8. Growth of diamene
Tina Brower-Thomas
Scott Johnson Bertrand Halperin |
New Materials / Topological Insulators
Project Title Participating Students, Postdocs and Faculty
Project Title Participating Students, Postdocs and Faculty
9. New TI Materials - external stimulae such as time dependent electric fields
Hechen Ren
Thomas Searles Joe Checkelsky Shiang Fang |
10. New TI Materials - TIs on carbon nanotubes
Thomas Searles
Joe Checkelsky David Bell Shiang Fang Bertrand Halperin |
11. New TI Materials - TI of doped diamond.
12. New TI Materials - real insulating TI
Hechen Ren
Tito Huber Joe Checkelsky Scott Johnson Bob Westervelt Shiang Fang Bertrand Halperin |
13. Strong coupling between TI and superconductor
Hiroke Isobe
Maoz Ovadia Shiang Fang |
14. Stacked graphene / TI interface, including effects of xtal lattice rotation
Paul Sabila
Tito Huber Scott Johnson Shiang Fang Tina Brower-Thomas |
15. Quantum Anomalous Hall effect - test 'dissipationless' current in single edge state
Maoz Ovadia
Bob Westervelt |
16. Test transition from 3D TI to 2D TI as layer made ultrathin - changes in band structure.
Tito Huber
Scott Johnson Shiang Fang |
17. Magnetic imaging of topological edge states via scanned NV-center magnetometers.
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
Hechen Ren Erin Strickland Bob Westervelt Shiang Fang |
18. Couple NV centers to surface TI to write and read NV spin state?
Hechen Ren
19. Grow and test predicted TIs based on transition metal di-chalcogenides.
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
Hechen Ren Paul Sabila Shiang Fang |
20. Bilayer graphene based TIs.
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
Erin Strickland Paul Sabila Bob Westervelt Shiang Fang |
Graphene and van der Waals Materials
Project Title Participating Students, Postdocs and Faculty
Project Title Participating Students, Postdocs and Faculty
21. Ferromagnetic (FM) /Superconductor (SC) 2D layers with tunable coupling via electrical 'knob'
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
Hechen Ren Frank Zhao David Bell Donhee Ham Shiang Fang |
22. SC/FM - I - SC/FM Josephson Junction
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
Hechen Ren Hiroke Isobe Frank Zhao Donhee Ham Bertrand Halperin |
23. Pores in 2D materials - BN and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs)
Pratibha Dev
David Bell Bob Westervelt |
24. Use nanopore 2D materials as a filter to adsorb particular molecules on a graphene below
Bekuechukwu Uzondu
Pratibha Dev |
25. Use strain patterns in stacked 2D materials to change electrical / chemical activity of the interface
Paul Sabila
26. Use 2D patterns from heterostructure interfaces for emergent behavior – excitons
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
Hechen Ren Tomas Palacios Shiang Fang Bertrand Halperin |
27. Nanoribbons from TMD to improve edge quality and reduce diffuse scattering - catalysts - TI behavior - stitching two layers together
28. Linking 2 layers in predetermined pattern using adatoms on 1 layer.
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
Eric Heller Yuan Yang Fikriye Idil (K) Kaya Shiang Fang |
29. NV centers at/near diamond surface to interface with vdW layer above
30. 2D material doping
Erin Strickland
Eric Heller Yuan Yang Fikriye Idil (K) Kaya Pratibha Dev Kwabena Bediako David Bell Donhee Ham Tomas Palacios |
31. Raman characterization of stacked layers
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
Bekuechukwu Uzondu Tewa Kpulun Erin Strickland Paul Sabila Tito Huber Eric Heller Yuan Yang Fikriye Idil (K) Kaya Thomas Searles Tina Brower-Thomas |
32. stacked heterostructures based on III-V knowledge
Hechen Ren
Bob Westervelt |
33. UV photoconductors from diamond that are solar blind
Amirhassan Shams Ansari
34. CVD growth of graphene/diamond/graphene heterostructures by varying source substrate distance
Bekuechukwu Uzondu
Erin Strickland Amber Wingfield Thomas Searles Tina Brower-Thomas Amirhassan Shams Ansari |
35. NV centers in SiC
Erin Strickland
Jordan Stroman Gary Harris Thomas Searles Pratibka Dev David Bell Amirhassan Shams Ansari |
36. Magnetic field imaging by NV centers in a flat ultrathin diamond layer.
37. Bi2Se3 is a vdW layered material. Peel and assemble layers into new structures.
38. Use theory to decide if vdW materials can be scotch taped?
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
39. TI contacts to vdW materials via surface currents.
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
Hechen Ren Bob Westervelt Bertrand Halperin |
40. Ways to flip spins in one TI valley to another double layers - coupling by light?
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
Hechen Ren Changmin Lee Joe Checkelsky Shiang Fang |
41. Use multilayers of TIs for thermoelectric applications
Hechen Ren
Paul Sabila Maoz Ovadia Tito Huber |
42. Use BN as a dielectric for TI's, e.g. to protect gates.
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
Hechen Ren |
43. Couple SC layer to 3D TI to make Majorana fermions
Hechen Ren
Hiroke Isobe Shiang Fang |
44. Put TMD ferromagnet on TI to study interaction.
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
Hechen Ren Bob Westervelt Shiang Fang |
45. Put TMD antiferromagnet on TI to study interaction.
Hechen Ren
Shiang Fang |