Quantum materials offer dramatically new approaches for electronics and photonics, but their characteristics, and the techniques to make devices and interconnected systems are largely unknown. The Frontiers in Quantum Materials and Devices workshops address this challenge by bringing together experts in materials growth and characterization, device fabrication and testing, and theoretical modeling. Through interactive talks and discussions, they can develop the science and technology needed to advance the science and move toward applications. The 2019 Frontiers in Quantum Materials and Devices workshop will be held at: University of Tokyo, Komaba Research Campus Institute of Industrial Science (IIS) 4 Chome-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tōkyō-to 153-0041 Convention Hall 2nd floor of the An-Block The workshop is sponsored by the Science & Technology Center for Integrated Quantum Materials based at Harvard and RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS), MEXT project on Science of Hybrid Quantum Systems and Japan Society of Promotion of Science (JSPS) 151 Committee. The workshop format is oral session composed of the invited talks, and the contributed presentation is done in the poster session. |